Theme doesn’t look like the demo

If you’re a first time user, you may notice that the theme doesn’t look like in the demo – here are some of the things you need to do in order to make your theme shine:

1. Remove older widgets

When you first upload the theme, the previous widgets will appear in the available sections – please don’t panic if you see them all over the place! Just go to Layout and remove the unnecessary widgets while paying attention to not remove the new ones. Once the clutter is gone, the theme should look clean again.

2. Clear formatting

If you notice fonts are different, then you most likely need to clear formatting. When you clear formatting on Blogger posts, it removes all the unnecessary HTML and inline CSS. These inline styles can override your theme CSS and can also affect the seo of your site. Check out the fonts are different from the demo post to see how you can fix the problem.

3. Choose “Original Size” for Images

When you upload images to your posts, always select “Original size”. Don’t worry if the images exceed the post editor size, this is not how they will appear on your site. With this option, the images will fit the content area and the overall look will be improved as well.